Multi vendor E-commerce Platform
This is a multi-vendor ECcommerce system made with Laravel( a php framework) and available on codecanyon. I was responsible for the backend and REST API development of this project. I was also assigned to provide technical
support to the clients using freshdesk ticketing system and do customization based on clients need. I took the permission from the company to show it in my portfolio. Details of this projects with preview is available on
the followin link.
Node Practice Project
This is a practice project following "Helsinki University Fullstack Development" course.This uses node js, express js, react js. More information can be found on the README file of the repository.
Simple Shop REST API
This is a simple REST API implementation using NodeJS, ExpressJs, MongoDB and JWT authentication.
Node Practice Project
This is a practice project following "Web Development - 01" course offered by Tampere University.This uses node js. More information can be found on the README file of the repository.
React Counter
This is a practice project using reactJs. This demonstrates some basic things like map function, reduce function and useState. This is hosted on netlify.
React Photoshop
This is a practice project using reactJs. This demonstrates some basic things like map function, reduce function and useState. This is hosted on netlify.
React Phonebook
This is a practice project using reactJs. This demonstrates some basic things like map function, reduce function and useState. It also demostrates form submission and reading data from APIs.
Visitor Pass Management System
This is a visitor managemant system made with Laravel( a php framework) and available on codecanyon. I was responsible for the backend and REST API development of this project. I was also assigned to provide technical support
to the clients using freshdesk ticketing system and do customization based on clients need. I took the permission from the company to show it in my portfolio. Details of this projects with preview is available on the followin
School Management System
This is a school managemant system made with Codeigniter( a php framework) and available on codecanyon. I was responsible for the backend and REST API development of this project. I was also assigned to provide technical support
to the clients using freshdesk ticketing system and do customization based on clients need. I took the permission from the company to show it in my portfolio. Details of this projects with preview is available on the followin
Hospital Management System
This is a hospital managemant system made with Codeigniter( a php framework) and available on codecanyon. I was responsible for the backend development of this project. I was also assigned to provide technical support to the
clients using freshdesk ticketing system and do customization based on clients need. I took the permission from the company to show it in my portfolio. Details of this projects with preview is available on the followin
Hostel Management System
This is a hostel managemant system made with Codeigniter( a php framework) and available on codecanyon. I was responsible for the backend development of this project. I was also assigned to provide technical support to the
clients using freshdesk ticketing system and do customization based on clients need. I took the permission from the company to show it in my portfolio. Details of this projects with preview is available on the followin
Quiz Management System
This is a quiz managemant system made with Codeigniter( a php framework) and available on codecanyon. I was responsible for the backend development of this project. I was also assigned to provide technical support to the clients
using freshdesk ticketing system and do customization based on clients need. I took the permission from the company to show it in my portfolio. Details of this projects with preview is available on the followin link.
Django Ecommerce
This is a simple E-Commerce app using Django (a python framework). This demonstrate some basic features offered by django. This was my university project. More information can be found on the README file of the git repository.
Html Template
This is a practice repository using html, css and js.In the README file you will get some more repository link like this.